Category: Tech

  • Web2.0 and Manifestos

    Check out the Devil’s Dictionary and it’s definition of Web2.0. Pretty hilarious stuff out there. Particularly liked the definition of e-mail. A method of electronic communication, primarily used to inform you that your penis is too small. Also came across this collection of manifestos and other writings on entrepreneurship on the web at ChangeThis. This…

  • Cisco blogs about iPhone!!

    Cisco has gone public with details of the iPhone deal with Apple Inc and seems to have made a good point for itself. This information comes directly from Mark Chandler, Cisco’s SVP and General Counsel. Also this comes on a coporate blog of Cisco which goes a long way to show the power blogging has…

  • APPLE vs RIM vs Palm

    The graph below from Google Finance actually does say it all about the impact (just the announcement of) iPhone has had on the traditional players in the domain!! I can’t want to see how these players bounce back and how hard Apple comes after them. Also interesting to see will be how Apple will name…

  • No iPod for me!

    I have given up all ideas of buying an iPod or a funky new phone. No Sir. Steve Jobs has done it again and with style. Apple stocks went north and RIM (Blackberry) and Palm (Treo) went south. The biggest vaporware of recent years has come to life at MacWorld 2007 yesterday and I am…

  • CSS: The Definitive Guide

    CSS is the de-facto standard of web styling and is used to enhance the presentation of markup languages. Web designers everywhere use it to improve accessibility and maintain consistency amongst pages. CSS: The Definitive Guide – Eric A. Meyer is an excellent place to begin learning about CSS. All you require to have is a…