Tag: Websites

  • Web2.0 and Manifestos

    Check out the Devil’s Dictionary and it’s definition of Web2.0. Pretty hilarious stuff out there. Particularly liked the definition of e-mail. A method of electronic communication, primarily used to inform you that your penis is too small. Also came across this collection of manifestos and other writings on entrepreneurship on the web at ChangeThis. This…

  • Laughing so hard – no net acronym!!

    Check out this website. Sure to waste loads of your valuable time everyday. Check the sample below. <Mak> Aimee, well that’s your opinion, and I have my opinion about you. I don’t bring my opinion up, so I’d love it if in return you’d do the same, if only for common courtesy 🙂 <Aimee> I’d…

  • Scintillations – Oasis 2K6

    I have believed that over the years the quality of the Oasis website – a starting point for other colleges – has gone from bad to worse. Though no expert at website design, I do have a few points to make about this year’s website. One important aspect of a good website is that it…