Category: Books

  • The Harry Potter Roundup

    Some interesting posts from around the blogoshpere. What if Harry Potter was written by someone else? Highlights from the Seventh edition – I specially like the one with “inhe kanoon ke hawale kar do” The Harry Potter movie review. Check out the special

  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (2)

    Some spoilers ahead. So I am finally done with Deathly Hallows and my verdict. Awesome. There were so many questions in my mind before reading this book that I thought that all of them could not be answered in a single book. However, I must say that Ms. Rowling has done a fantastic job and…

  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

    I got the book yesterday and read for 5 hours at a stretch, and again got up in the morning and read for another hour and a half. I am more than half way through the book and expect to complete the entire book by sometime around midnight today, and will then post a full…

  • Online Shopping Blues!

    I have finally received the book. Shipped in perfect condition, but just a little late. But I have lost faith and I am not ordering important stuff off Indiaplaza. I hate! Stupid people. Definitely my worst online shopping experience ever. You guys suck! I wish I could Avada Kedavra you. I had ordered the…

  • To all dog lovers!

    A friend of mine is a dog person and not a cat lover. Here is a quote I came across this morning. Dedicated to my friend. Cats are intended to teach us that not everything in nature has a function. Also reminds me of Babel-fish in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.