Tag: BITS Pilani

  • The sound of silence…

    The honeymoon period, as they call it, has come to an end. The first core term, for the Class of 2010 [Co2010] begins tomorrow. We already have loads to read up even before the first class. Just leaves me wondering if it is a sign of things to come!! The weekend was spent partying, generally…

  • Off to Pilani

    I am going to Pilani for the next couple of days for recruitment. It is one of the most amazing feeling to be back to your alma mater, and that you are on the other side of the table this time makes it that much more special.. More on the trip once I return. Bye..

  • Celebrations & Apologies

    I imported all posts and comments from our old group blog today. The blog has now been dormant for more than a year, the last post being one on the Hyderabad trip. I just wanted to back it up for the future. The blog posts contain a lot of trip reviews, nice little conversations, lot…

  • Dedications

    This is dedicated to two special friends from Pilani. Missing you people and the last panel is just so apt. PS: I hope the folks at Questionable Content are kind enough not to kick for stealing this.

  • Pilani Trip – 2

    During my Pilani trip, I happened to be in Sky for the farewell session of EDC – and the one for Vernon. I was so fucking depressed. He had joined EPC during my psentisem. Am I actually that old?? Gaping Void comes to the rescue!!