Google Wishlist

Following this wishlist from Pandia fellows, I came up with one of my own. So what do I want from Google in 2007. Here you go:

  1. Allow comments on all official Google blogs and answer them.
  2. Keep up the work on Google Patent Search. Expand coverage, jurisdictions and search options. Maybe add intelligent assignee optimizer and show related news. Something like Google Finance.
  3. Advanced search operators.
  4. Search result RSS feed.
  5. Powerpoint equivalent on Google Docs. (Think. Rather Thinkfree)
  6. Better Google Books.
  7. Better Blogger. Rather close Blogger and adopt WordPress.
  8. Mashup between all Google search tools (Websearch, blog search, patents, etc) and Google Docs (spreadsheets).
  9. A functional and effective GDrive.
  10. Stop launch of any new services till all products are out of beta.

And did I forget the Google India Blog??






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