Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Surely you’re joking, Mr. Ecclestone

    The following post has been cross posted on the Pavilion Seat blog. Formula 1 has seen such a deluge of rule changes over the past couple of years that it has left many fans (including yours truly) greatly miffed and confused. The qualifying session has been changed so often that I am sure the drivers…

  • Been there, done that!!

    This weekend was about as good as it gets. I mean one of the better ones in this place. Sanghi had come over on Friday evening. Dinner outside and then that crappy movie called Zinda. It is supposed to be another brilliant one from our very own Tarantino (the amount of blood and gore being…

  • Bits and pieces

    Lots hasn't been happenning. But contained below are a few pieces I wanted to write about. 1. Casanova sucks – Always thought that being Casanova required something special in the person like charisma and behaviour and a way with the ladies. Seems it doesn't!! Rejoice all geeks!! This yuccky movie suggests that it has to…

  • Gen Crib

    Feel like cribbing a lot today. Work is as much as I can do without going crazy or burning myself out. Not bad though. What is bad is working with too many women!! I am the lone guy on the project with 4 other females, three of whom insist on talking in kiddo lingua (like…

  • Feeling ‘haute’!!

    If fifty million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing. ~ Anatole France Which proves that the 500+ bums sitting in that place called the Indian parliament are what they are. Dumbasses. Meanwhile, the Govt of Maharastra, decided to probe the wardrobe malfunction that made Ms. Gracias cry on the shoulders of…

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