The Ten Commandments

Following the commandments by the FSM posted here, I find these very appealing (excerpts below). Dedicated to a journalist named Shakti – I did not know her, but know that she must have been brilliant. She had brilliant friends.

Rule One: Thou Shalt Get Off Thy Lazy Ass And Get A Life,
Thou shalt not moan or groan or bitch or throw thy toaster at thy wife.
Thou art definitely good at something, find it, use it, try and do thy best.
Do what makes thee happy, take an honest shot and screw the rest.

Rule Five is not so soppy: Thou Shalt Be Silly sums it up,
Life’s a joke, a laugh, a dream, a wine-glass, not a bitter cup,
Thou shalt perform most diverse acts of looniness; thou shalt be random,
Thou shalt make them giggle, thus earning glad, undying fandom.

Rule Six: Thou Shalt Listen. Thou Shalt Care, Thou Shalt Reply,
Be thou part of others’ lives, let them find thee standing by
In times of need, let them remember joyous smiles and soft-held hands.
Share their dreams, soothe their screams, be patient, try to understand.
I’m sorry if this sounds too pious; I’m no angel, but I try.
Won’t answer thy every text but there’s no harm in aiming high.






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